Safonyk Andrii

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Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Automation, Electrical Engineering and Computer Integrated Technologies of the Institute of Automation, Cybernetics and Computer Engineering

Education and Career

Safonyk Andrii

in 2004 graduated with honors from Rivne State Humanities University, majoring in Pedagogy and Methodology of Secondary Education. Maths".

2004-2007 - Assistant of the Department of Automation, Electrical Engineering and Computer-Integrated Technologies of the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering;

2007-2010 - postgraduate student of the Department of Automation, Electrical Engineering and Computer-Integrated Technologies;

in 2010 he defended his PhD thesis in specialty 01.05.02 - mathematical modeling and computational methods (technical sciences). The defense was held in the specialized council D 35.052.05 of the National University “Lviv Polytechnic” of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;

2010-2011 - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Automation, Electrical Engineering and Computer-Integrated Technologies;

2011-2016 - Associate Professor of the Department of Automation, Electrical Engineering and Computer-Integrated Technologies;

2013 - received the rank of Associate Professor;

In 2016 he defended his doctoral thesis in specialty 01.05.02 - mathematical modeling and computational methods (technical sciences). The defense was held in the specialized council D 35.052.05 of the National University “Lviv Polytechnic” of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;

2016 to date - Professor of the Department of Automation, Electrical Engineering and Computer-Integrated Technologies.

Teaching activities

  • teaches disciplines: "Informatics and Computer Engineering", "Computer Technologies and Programming", "Object-Oriented and WEB Programming Technologies", "Computer Systems and Networks in ASTP" and "Numerical Methods" for students in the fields of "Automation and computer-integrated technologies" and "Electricity, electrical engineering, and electromechanics";
  • manages work on final qualification works;
  • manages the scientific work of undergraduate and graduate students.

Scientific Activity

Web of Science ResearcherID: O-5970-2016


Scopus Author ID: 55791471100

RG: Andrii_Safonyk

Google Scholar Andrii_Safonyk

Has published more than 200 publications

Head of research work "Innovative principles of designing and adaptation of resource-saving solutions for optimization of water treatment processes with automated control" (State registration no. 0119U000083).

Circle of Scientific Interest

Mathematical modeling of natural and man-made processes, computer simulation of technological processes, computer engineering, and computer technologies, programming.

Organizational work

  • Expert of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the specialty "Informatics and Cybernetics".
  • Expert of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the examination of projects of scientific works, scientific and technical (experimental) developments of young scientists, section - development of modern information, telecommunication technologies, robotics.
  • Member of the Academic Council of the National University of Water Management and Nature Management.
  • Member of the Scientific and Methodological and Scientific and Technical Council of the National University of Water Management and Nature Management.
  • Member of the specialized scientific council D 47.104.09 for obtaining a scientific degree of doctor (candidate) of technical sciences, specialty 01.05.02 "Mathematical modeling and computational methods".
  • Acted Deputy Chief Department of Automation, Electrical and Computer-Integrated Technologies (2017-2018).
  • Co-organizer of the International Scientific Conference "Modern Problems of Mathematical Modeling, Computational Methods and Information Technologies" (Exactly 2018).
  • Organizer of the International scientific-practical conference "Modern problems of mathematical modeling, automated control and information technologies" (Rivne-2019).
  • Manages the student scientific group "Programming of multilevel control systems".
  • Member of the project team for the development of the first professional (bachelor's) bachelor's degree program in Automation and Computer-Integrated Technology.
  • Member of the project group for the development of the professional-educational program "Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies" of the second (master's) level of the master's degree.
  • He is a member of the project group for the development of the educational and professional program "Robotics and Artificial Intelligence" of the first (bachelor) level of the degree of "bachelor".
  • Passed an EduNet international internship from Phoenix Contact in Germany (Bad Pyrmont), for which he received the following certificates: PC WORX The application programmer and Ethernet, Profinet, Wireless LAN network information technologies; and at Lublin Polytechnic, Poland (Lublin): "Automated control problems of production processes and solutions to energy information and communication technologies systems".


2009 - scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to students of higher educational institutions and postgraduate students (decree # 651-р of June 17, 2009);

2010 - Honorary diploma of NUWEE;

2011 - scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists. Resolution No. 5 of 7 November 2011;

2015 - Honorary diploma of NUWEE;

2017 - Diploma of the Rivne Regional State Administration;

2017 is a scholarship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for the most talented young scientists.

2018 - Honorary diploma of NUWEE;

2019 - Acknowledgment of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.


