
Матеріал з Wikiситет
Перейти до навігації Перейти до пошуку

-- Модуль для реалізації

No portals specified: please specify at least one portal

local p = {}

local HtmlError = require('Модуль:Error')

-- This function generates the html code. local function _portal(args)

local root = mw.html.create('div') :addClass('noprint portal') :addClass(args.left and 'tleft' or 'tright') :css('border', 'solid #aaa 1px') :css('margin', args.margin or (args.left == 'yes' and '0.5em 1em 0.5em 0') or '0.5em 0 0.5em 1em') :newline()

-- Start the table. This corresponds to the start of the wikitext table in the old Template:Portal. local tableroot = root:tag('table') :css('background', '#f9f9f9') :css('font-size', '85%') :css('line-height', '110%') :css('max-width', '175px') :css('width', type(args.boxsize) == 'string' and (args.boxsize .. 'px') or nil)

   -- If no portals have been specified, display an error and add the page to a tracking category.

if not args[1] then tableroot:wikitext('No portals specified: please specify at least one portal') end

   -- Display the portals specified in the positional arguments.
   for i,v in ipairs(args) do
       v = mw.ustring.match(v, '^%s*(.*%S)') or   -- Trim whitespace.
       -- Portal image names are stored in subtemplates of Шаблон:Портал/Зображення.
       -- The name of the subtemplate is the portal name in all lower case, but with
       -- the first character in upper case.
       -- Work out the image subtemplate location.
       local lang = mw.getContentLanguage()
       local imagetemplatename = 'Портал/Зображення/' .. lang:ucfirst(lang:lc(v))
       -- Check the image template name. We need three checks: 1) check with pcall to see if
       -- we are over the expensive function call limit; 2) check if the proposed image template
       -- name uses invalid characters (mw.title.new returns nil if this is the case); and 3) 
       -- check if the image subtemplate exists.
       local goodtitlecall, imagetemplateobject = pcall(mw.title.new, imagetemplatename, 'Шаблон')
       if not (goodtitlecall and imagetemplateobject and imagetemplateobject.exists) then
           imagetemplatename = 'Портал/Зображення/За замовчуванням'
       -- Expand the image subtemplate to get the image name
       local imagename = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = imagetemplatename }
       -- Generate the html for the image and the portal name.

tableroot :newline() :tag('tr') :css('vertical-align', 'middle') :tag('td') :css('text-align', 'center') :wikitext('32x28px') :done() :tag('td') :css('padding', '0 0.2em') :css('vertical-align', 'middle') :css('font-style', 'italic') :css('font-weight', 'bold') :wikitext('Портал' .. ((args['break'] == 'yes' and '
') or ' ') .. '«' .. v .. '»

   return tostring(root)


-- This function gets the arguments passed to the module and passes them -- to the _portal() function above. function p.portal(frame)

   local orig_args
   if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then
       -- We're being called via #invoke. If the invoking template passed any arguments,
       -- use them. Otherwise, use the arguments that were passed into the template.
       orig_args = frame:getParent().args
       for k, v in pairs(frame.args) do
           orig_args = frame.args
       -- We're being called from another module or from the debug console, so assume
       -- the arguments are passed in directly.
       orig_args = frame
   -- We want to list all the portals in the order they were passed to the template. 
   -- We also want to be able to deal with positional arguments passed explicitly, 
   -- for example Шаблон:Portal. However, pairs() doesn't guarantee the correct 
   -- order, and ipairs() will stop after the first nil value. To get around this, we 
   -- create a new table of arguments where nil values have been removed, so that we 
   -- can traverse the numerical arguments using ipairs(). We also remove values which 
   -- only consist of whitespace. ParserFunctions considers these to be false, and by
   -- removing them Lua will consider them false too.
   local args = {} -- Arguments table.
   local name_args = {} -- Temporary table for named arguments.
   for k, v in pairs(orig_args) do
       if mw.ustring.match(v, '%S') then -- Remove values that are only whitespace.
           if type(k) == 'number' then
               table.insert(args, k) -- Put positional argument keys into the arguments table so we can sort them.
               -- Put named argument values in their own table while we sort the positional arguments,
               -- so that we don't have to cycle through all the original arguments again.
               name_args[k] = v 
   table.sort(args) -- Sort the positional argument keys into numerical order.
   for i,v in ipairs(args) do
       args[i] = orig_args[v] -- Replace positional argument keys with their corresponding values.
   for k,v in pairs(name_args) do
       args[k] = v -- Add named arguments to the args table
   return _portal(args)


return p